Make your Plate Healthy

Ways to Make Your plate healthy

What is Healthy Plate?

A healthy plate is the diet that containing all macronutrient and micronutrient essential for you.

  • The macronutrients that you need are carbohydrates, protein, fats and water.
  • The micronutrient that you need are vitamins and minerals

Macronutrients are required in larger amount while micronutrient are required in small amounts. How you manage them decides whether your plate in healthy or not.

Importance of Healthy Plate:

A healthy balanced plate provides nourishment to every system of your body, strengthens your immune system, maintaining a lively gut, toxins free liver, properly functioning kidneys and a healthy heart. It will give your dry and dull life a new color making you feel energetic and active.

Easy Tips to Make a Healthy Plate:

Healthy plate is not spoused to be a form of diet it should be your daily lifestyle. A simple and authentic way to be healthy.

Forming a healthy plate is more about quality than of quantity. The sources which you decide to be your food determine what your body gets and how it functions. So, let’s dive into some simple techniques to learn how to form a healthy plate.

Foods that You Should Add in Your Diet:

 1 Add fruits & vegetables in your daily eating plan:

 Fruits and vegetables are essential source of carbohydrates which not only provide energy but also highly rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

  • Antioxidants works with liver to get rid of toxins, free radicals and harmful chemicals hence sharing its burden making your liver healthy.
  • Our body gets major portion of vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables helping your body functions properly and increasing metabolism.
  • Fruits and vegetables contain fiber that helps your body digest your food at slow rate making your cravings and hunger in check.
  • They provide color to your plate making healthy eating fun and flavorful.
 2 Portion of fruits and vegetables:

Deciding quantity seems to be hard part for people choosing to try healthy diet. There no hard and fast rule that decides exact quantity you have to eat. As long as you are eating in certain range, you are fine.

  • You can eat 3-5 servings of fruits daily.
  • You can eat 2-5 servings of vegetables daily

Servings of each fruit and vegetable differs

3  Add whole grains to your list for healthy plate:

Whole grains are the bread and cereals containing a large portion of fiber, multivitamin and minerals along with energy providing carbs. They fill your belly giving you less calories and more healthy vitamins and minerals maintaining a healthy gut.

Here are some examples of whole grains

  • Whole wheat flour
  • Brun bread
  • Oats
  • Porridge
  • Brun rush

Portions of bread & cereals:

You can eat about 6-11 servings of whole grains according to energy you need.

4  Dairy products:

Dairy is the excellent source of carbs, protein as well as fats.

  • The fats we consume from milk are healthy fats helping liver replace unnecessary fat with healthy fat.
  • Dairy provides healthy protein maintaining muscle mass.

Portion of dairy products

You can consume 2-3 servings of dairy product daily

Protein sources for your plate

Protein is usually use as building block of body. Essential amino acids are provided by animal source protein running your body functions with ease. While plant-based protein is rich in fiber, protein and variety of minerals

Some animal sources are

  • Eggs: best source of protein, highly bioavailable (absorb easily in our body)
  • Chicken: lean meat with low fat
  • Fish: lean meat with variety of antioxidants
  • Meat: contain portion of fat and rich iron source

      Some plant-based sources are

  • Beans
  • Pulses
  • lentils

Portion for protein sources

You should eat 3-6 portions of protein to cover your daily requirements.

5  Fats & Oils:

We always hear that fat is unhealthy for you and that you should avoid taking them but the truth is that they are actually essential for you.

Healthy fat sources are

  • Nuts
  • Oils
  • Desi ghee
  • Seeds

Portion of fats:

You can eat about 4-6 serving of fat.

“A healthy plate comprises essential macronutrients and micronutrients, providing nourishment to the body’s systems and promoting overall health. Proper food sources determine body functions”


The food that You Should Avoid Adding in Your Plate:

The food that you should avoid because of their harmful effects on our body one way or another

  • Processed food: contain high amount of salt causing hypertension
  • Baked items: contain high amount of salt and sugar. A risk factor for diabetes and hypertension
  • Canned food: high in salt and sugar to preserve food
  • Junk food
  • Fried items: contain high amount of trans fats causing risk of heart diseases
  • Too much red meat: contain high amount of fats
  • Banaspati ghee: source of trans fats

In summary, “Ways to Make Your Plate Healthy” recommend for a balanced and nourishing diet, highlighting specific food groups to include and avoid to promote overall well-being and vitality. For a detailed and thorough diet prefect for your body view NutrantLife.

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