The Silent Killer

High Blood Pressure_ The Silent Killer

The Silent Killer

High blood pressure or hypertension is famously known as silent killer. It silently destroys body little by little without showing any apparent or distressing sign or symptoms for years and then causes fatal heart attack or stroke. It uses to happen in elderly but recently children are also affected due to extremely unhealthy lifestyle.


There are some major symptoms that some people might experience 

  • Chest Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Palpitations
  • Nose Bleeding

most people will show symptoms once the harm has been done, which usually occurs after they’ve had high blood pressure for several years.

“High Blood Pressure can do irreversible damage if left uncheck.”

Why High Blood Pressure Occur?

The increase in the force of blood pressing against the artery walls causes High blood pressure. This increase pressure on walls can be due to

  • Thickening or hardening of arteries
  • Building up of plaque in arteries
  • Thickening of blood

Elevated blood pressure exerts stress on the body, potentially leading to harm to the heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes.

Stages of High Blood Pressure

The normal value of blood pressure is 120/80. 120 mm Hg is the systolic pressure also known as pressure of blood on arteries when heart beats and 80 mm Hg is the diastolic pressure also known as pressure of blood on arteries when heart relaxes.


                                       The stage of high blood pressure where an individual is at risk of hypertension. The range is 121/81 to 139/89.

   Hypertension Stage 1:

                                        The stage of hypertension which can start to cause your body to slowly deteriorate which may or may not cause any symptoms. The range of stage 1 is 140/90 to 159/99.

   Hypertension Stage 2:

                                        The stage of hypertension which cause serious problems in your body causing intense symptoms. The range of stage 2 is 160/100 or more.

    Stage 3 Hypertension:

                                         This is a hypertensive emergency ranged from 180/110 mm Hg.


Factors that Effect Blood Pressure:

There are many factors that affect blood pressure. Some of these factors are changeable and some are unchangeable

Unchangeable elements that may serve as the primary cause of hypertension include

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Ethnicity
  • Family History
  • Person’s Medical History

Modifiable elements that can also affect high blood pressure include

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Stress Management

These factors can be change to improve blood pressure conditions

Causes Of High Blood Pressure:

The major causes of primary blood pressure can be

  • Depression 
  • Excess caffeine consumption.
  • High salt intake – this raises the blood pressure in salt sensitive individuals.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Obesity
  • Stress

Sometimes elevation of blood pressure is cause by another factor or a disease which is also known as secondary blood pressure.

Maintaining Normal Blood Pressure:

Hypertension is the main root of many deadly chronic diseases. It causes disabilities, destroys quality of life and can also result into life threatening heart attacks and strokes.

The only sustainable way to control blood pressure is a healthy diet and physical activity. These two thing will help you maintain the optimal blood pressure in a long run also giving you better quality of life with better and bright future.










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