Cut Mega Calories with Fruits

Cut Mega Calories with Fruits

Nature’s Candy

Fruits are the candy given by nature. You can cut mega calories with fruits as well as satisfying your sweet tooth. They not only fill us up with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber but also give us sense of fullness preventing us from eating more.

Benefits of Fruits:

The wonderful benefits of fruits are

  • They have high percentage of water content that hydrates our body.
  • They are also high in potassium and magnesium which help us to remove excess water content from our body (I-e they fight edema)
  • They contain cellulose and fiber content that that make us feel fullness and ease our bowel movement.
  • In contrast, they also have sugar and organic acids that prevent constipation.
  • They also contain phytochemical compounds that fight against chronic diseases.
  • They are rich in antioxidants which prevent tissue damage and slows down aging.


“Fruits leads our body to cut mega calories by fulfilling our craving for sweets and lose extra pounds by stabilizing our metabolism.”

Caloric Impact of Fruits

Fruits are the only whole foods that provide so much less calories than any other food while giving the sense of fullness. Not only they help us cut mega calories but also prevent the absorption or extra calories you consume.

The insoluble fiber that most foods contain stick to the food we consume helping it move slowly giving us the sense of satiety for a long time and do not let them absorb in the blood stream easily this helps us to get fewer calories than we consume.

Rich with Nutrients that aids Loss of Unhealthy Fat

Getting rid of unhealthy fat is link with healthy liver. The more liver function properly the more normalize your metabolism be and the more unwanted fat will be removed from your body.

Fruits contain many nutrients that boost our liver functions and increasing your metabolism.

Some nutrients are

  • Anthocyanins is the compound that helps breakdown toxins in liver and prevent overworking of liver
  • Vitamin C stimulates the production of carnitine that boost your metabolism.
  • Bromelain is the nutrient that dissolve waste and toxins store in fat cell.
Fruits as Meal Replacement

Fruits can be great replacement for snacks we consume on daily bases and they will give us less than half calories we consume from other snack items we take like biscuits, cake etc.

Recipes that help us use fruits in different ways are best replacement for the desserts we intake and in cutting mega calories.

Natural vs Added Sugar

Added sugar is the sugar that we make artificially from various sources. They have high absorption level and raise your blood sugar instantly which can be very harmful for our body.

While natural sugars which we usually consume from fruits are healthy sugars and provide us energy slowly and smoothly without raising our blood glucose. Moreover, providing us with tones of nutrients.

Best Mega Calorie Cutting Fruits

Some of the best fruits that help us cut the mega calories are

  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Berries
  • Pineapple
  • Pomegranate
  • Peach

These fruits should be eaten in required amount to get best from them

Excessive Consumption of Fruits

Fruits contain sugar that is known as fructose. When fructose is taken in large amounts it can cause obesity, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, high triglycerides and accelerated aging. You can avoid these by the controlling the number of fruits you eat.



In summary, fruits are best and healthiest way of cutting mega calories from your diet. Not only they control amount of calories but also shower us with tones of benefits. if we keep the number of fruits, we consume in check we can lead the life that everyone dreams.

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