Day: March 16, 2023

Cut Mega Calories with Fruits

Cut Mega Calories with Fruits Nature’s Candy Fruits are the candy given by nature. You can cut mega calories with fruits as well as satisfying your sweet tooth. They not only fill us up with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber but also give us sense of

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Make your Plate Healthy

Ways to Make Your plate healthy What is Healthy Plate? A healthy plate is the diet that containing all macronutrient and micronutrient essential for you. The macronutrients that you need are carbohydrates, protein, fats and water. The micronutrient that you need are vitamins and minerals Macronutrients

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Dangers of Hypertension

Hidden Dangers of Hypertension Why High Blood Pressure is Harmful? Now a days high blood pressure is so common that it is often not taken seriously. But hypertension is the main root of many deadly chronic diseases. Hidden dangers of hypertension include disabilities that can destroy

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